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China Overseas Development Association President Visits China Express Airline

On June 19, He Zhenwei, President of the China Overseas Development Association (CODA), visited the company for inspection and research. He held talks with Chairman Hu Xiaojun, CEO Wu Longjiang, and Deputy Director of the Board's Strategic Executive Committee, Qiu Ke.

Founded in 2003, CODA operates under the guidance of the National Development and Reform Commission. Its primary mission is to support the "Belt and Road" initiative and assist domestic enterprises in expanding overseas. Chairman Hu Xiaojun welcomed President He and emphasized the alignment of private enterprise development with national strategies. He highlighted the company's commitment to regional aviation and its recent efforts to explore international markets in response to the "Belt and Road" initiative.

President He introduced CODA's 20-year history, noting its role in organizing the annual "China Overseas Investment Fair" and various investment forums. He remarked that "going global" has become essential for many Chinese companies. He expressed his admiration for the company's 18-year development in regional aviation and affirmed CODA's support in helping the company expand its international presence and build partnerships with "Belt and Road" countries.

The two sides discussed the ongoing construction of an overseas industrial ecosystem and accelerating industrial cooperation under the "Belt and Road" initiative, reaching several key agreements.(Contributed by the Business Development Department I)
