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He Zhenwei Visits Dezhuang Hotpot in Nan'an District, Chongqing

On June 19, He Zhenwei, President of the China Overseas Development Association (CODA), visited Dezhuang Hotpot in Chongqing's Nan'an District. Dezhuang Hotpot is renowned for its unique spiciness rating system, ranging from mild, medium, and hot to extra hot, catering to various tastes.

During the visit, Dezhuang Hotpot's Chairman introduced the company's development and future plans. He Zhenwei praised Dezhuang Hotpot's brand building and market influence, highlighting its potential to promote Chinese culinary culture internationally.

He Zhenwei suggested that Dezhuang Hotpot could further expand its brand influence globally and noted that international expansion is a promising choice. The Chairman revealed plans to invest in overseas chili sauce production to meet international demand.

He Zhenwei emphasized that CODA will continue to act as a bridge to support Dezhuang Hotpot's international development. The Mayor of Nan'an District also expressed that the district will leverage the CODA platform and official support to help more enterprises go global, achieving mutual benefits.

This visit strengthened mutual trust and cooperation, laying a solid foundation for Dezhuang Hotpot's international expansion.(Contributed by Business Department I)
